
New Moon BE LOVE Virtual Communion Gathering

New Moon BE LOVE Virtual Communion "How are you being nourished, loved into being?" In the time of the new moon, while everything is dark we will remember together all of the ways that we are continually being nourished as we reflect on and share in the communion celebration In [Read More]

12 Minutes at 12 BE LOVE Meditation

I invite you to join me at noon Eastern on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for a Live-streamed 12 Minute BE LOVE Meditation.  Streamed on Facebook Live. Facebook Live Stream Let's sink up our loving energy across our collaborative and take time to ground in the present moment.  You [Read More]

12 Minutes at 12 BE LOVE Meditation

I invite you to join me at noon Eastern on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for a Live-streamed 12 Minute BE LOVE Meditation.  Streamed on Facebook Live. Facebook Live Stream Let's sink up our loving energy across our collaborative and take time to ground in the present moment.  You [Read More]

Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful OPEN Gathering

Are you looking for a way to connect more deeply with yourself, with others, and with this mysterious beautiful life that we share? Do you long for space to be fully present? On Thursday nights we gather for an open form Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful Gathering.  The purpose [Read More]

12 Minutes at 12 BE LOVE Meditation

I invite you to join me at noon Eastern on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for a Live-streamed 12 Minute BE LOVE Meditation.  Streamed on Facebook Live. Facebook Live Stream Let's sink up our loving energy across our collaborative and take time to ground in the present moment.  You [Read More]

BE HONEST Virtual Baptism Gathering

Join us for our new Sunday Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful Offering where we bring Christ and the vision of the New Church explicitly into the circle.   While our collaborative looks for the essence of faith beyond dogma, focusing on the call to a life of kindness, the [Read More]

12 Minutes at 12 BE LOVE Meditation

I invite you to join me at noon Eastern on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for a Live-streamed 12 Minute BE LOVE Meditation.  Streamed on Facebook Live. Facebook Live Stream Let's sink up our loving energy across our collaborative and take time to ground in the present moment.  You [Read More]

12 Minutes at 12 BE LOVE Meditation

I invite you to join me at noon Eastern on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for a Live-streamed 12 Minute BE LOVE Meditation.  Streamed on Facebook Live. Facebook Live Stream Let's sink up our loving energy across our collaborative and take time to ground in the present moment.  You [Read More]

12 Minutes at 12 BE LOVE Meditation

I invite you to join me at noon Eastern on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for a Live-streamed 12 Minute BE LOVE Meditation.  Streamed on Facebook Live. Facebook Live Stream Let's sink up our loving energy across our collaborative and take time to ground in the present moment.  You [Read More]

Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful OPEN Gathering

REQUEST ZOOM LINK HERE Are you looking for a way to connect more deeply with yourself, with others, and with this mysterious beautiful life that we share? Do you long for space to be fully present? On Thursday nights we gather for an open form Be Love, Be Honest, Be [Read More]

12 Minutes at 12 BE LOVE Meditation

I invite you to join me at noon Eastern on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for a Live-streamed 12 Minute BE LOVE Meditation.  Streamed on Facebook Live. Facebook Live Stream Let's sink up our loving energy across our collaborative and take time to ground in the present moment.  You [Read More]

BE USEFUL Virtual Anointing Ritual

Join us for our new Sunday Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful Offering where we bring Christ and the vision of the New Church explicitly into the circle.   While our collaborative looks for the essence of faith beyond dogma, focusing on the call to a life of kindness, the [Read More]

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