Be love.
Be honest.
Be useful.

The Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative

An effort to cultivate a bit more heaven here on earth.

This is an effort to build something new, to make space to explore and live into the deep call of the new church as outlined in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, not with the intention of fortifying yet another distinct religious identity but living into the deep unity of life that makes possible our incredible diversity.

We understand that God/the holy/love/truth is only discovered within actual people, all actual people and life throughout the universe, and so the path of love must be through our lived relationships, not our allegiance to theoretical ideals that pit us against one another.

We aim to seek together to Be Love, Be Honest, and Be Useful.

Won’t you join us?  Right now our primary offering is an open ZOOM group on Thursday evenings, but we are in the process of imagining into being new offerings for this coming year and invite you to complete this Be Love Collaboration Survey to voice your ideas and get involved.

Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative

Join Us on Thursdays!

Instinctively, I found my greatest satisfaction in working with men and women everywhere who ask not, “Shall I labor among Christians or Jews or Buddhists?” But say rather, “God, in thy wisdom help me to decrease the sorrows of thy children and increase their advantages and joys.

– Helen Keller

Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative Mission

Our Mission.

To advance the spiritual legacy of Helen Keller. Helen Keller was devoted to the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg and understood his vision of the new church as a call to make worship a part of all of life, to love others as ourselves, and to creatively collaborate to build a better world.

Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative Vision

Our Vision.

To create sacred space that is radically inclusive, that fosters love, understanding and new creative collaboration between different groups and peoples, with the aim of lessening the suffering of the world.

Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative Values

Our Values.

Be Love: To honor the worthiness of all peoples, the deep interconnectedness of life, and the source of all healing, joy, pleasure and transformation. Be Honest: To bring to light the truth of our experience, the stories and systems that cause both wounding and healing that we all might grow in wisdom. Be Useful: To find ways to be of service to one another and the world we collectively inhabit through new creative collaborative efforts to be of service.